Monday, September 5, 2011

News on ebooks in Richard Stark's PARKER series, by way of Terry Teachout

One of the niftiest arts blogs around is Terry Teachout's About Last Night.  It's always a source of good recommendations and commentary on books, movies, music and theater.  The current post on that blog, "Top of the Barrel," includes the following little tidbit of news regarding the University of Chicago Press reissues of the Donald Westlake/Richard Stark Parker novels:

"If you haven’t yet jumped on the Stark/Parker bandwagon, I have good news, which is that the University of Chicago Press is giving away free copies of the e-book version of The Score, the fifth novel in the Parker series, throughout the month of September. You can download your copy by going to the U of C Parker page, and you can also order it directly from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. (If the $0 price hasn’t shown up yet on these sites, come back later today or tomorrow.)"

Mr. Teachout's post provides links to the U of Chicago's page where The Score can be downloaded.  The $0 price has shown up at Amazon.  The good news doesn't stop there -- ebooks of three early novels in the series, The Hunter, The Man with the Getaway Face, and The Mourner, are currently priced at just $2.66 each at Amazon.  If you love lean, mean crime fiction and haven't discovered this series yet, treat yourself to these.  You won't be disappointed.  The two most recent releases, Flashfire and Firebreak, are also available -- Mr. Teachout provided an introduction to these titles, and if you're one of those people who never bothers with the intro, make an exception this time.

And if you're not already following Terry Teachout's blog and articles in Commentary and the Wall Street Journal, check them out -- you won't be disappointed there either.

Bests to all,


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