Long time no post. During that time, I've pretty well scrapped a novel I'd been tinkering with for eons. (May try to salvage some of it later, as there are a couple of characters in it that I'd like to find homes for one of these days.) Having scrapped that project, I tried another novel. It's a time-travel story and it still needs some work, but I'm hoping to have it ready some time in January. There are a couple of new short stories in the works too. So I might actually have a few new titles out there in the Kindle store soon.
Of the titles that are currently out there, one will be free this Halloween weekend -- my short ghost story "They're Waiting" is free in the Amazon Kindle store Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If you haven't read it already, either as a single or in my collection THE OTHER IRON RIVER, AND OTHER STORIES, check it out this weekend while the price is right. Find the free story at: They're Waiting-ebook
Speaking of good Halloween reading, check out the following big collections of horror stories: Great Tales of Terror and the Supernatural, a classic anthology from Modern Library; The Dark Descent, edited by David Hartwell; The Arbor House Treasury of Horror and the Supernatural, edited by Bill Pronzini, Barry Malzberg, and Martin Greenberg; The Weird, edited by Jeff and Ann VanDerMeer. Huge collections all, each one covering decades of work in the horror field, and there isn't nearly as much overlap between them as you might expect. Of these, only The Weird is available as an ebook -- the others are print only, and the Arbor House Treasury is out-of-print (but well worth looking for).
Finally, on November 1, a five-foot shelf of Peter Beagle's work will be released in ebook formats. Included will be the novels The Last Unicorn and A Fine & Private Place, as well as a number of terrific short story collections such as Lila the Werewolf & Other Tales and We Never Talk About My Brother. Good stuff. Check the list at: Peter Beagle ebooks in Kindle Store